Friday, April 18, 2008

Hey Chickenhawks

Somewhere, there's a soldier from another country making a sacrifice to keep America safe. The next time you see a chickenhawk, kick him in his tailfeathers and ask him when he plans to enlist and go fight in the war on terror.

The new Dutch Minister of Defense just lost his son in Afghanistan:

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- The son of the new Dutch defense chief was killed Friday by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, and the Taliban claimed they deliberately made him a high-profile victim of their deadly insurgency.

Lt. Dennis van Uhm, 23, was one of two Dutch soldiers killed in the explosion 7 miles (12 kilometers) northwest of Camp Holland, the Dutch military base in restive Uruzgan province, spokesman Lt. Gen. Freek Meulman said. Two more soldiers were injured, one critically.

Meulman was standing in for Gen. Peter van Uhm, who was installed as defense chief only on Thursday and would likely have delivered the news had his son not been among the victims.

Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi claimed that the militants knew in advance about Van Uhm's movements.

"When he came out the Taliban planted a mine, which killed him," Ahmadi said in a phone call from an undisclosed location.

The Dutch government, however, rejected the claim.

"Our information is that there is no indication of any link between this cowardly deed and the fact that it was the son of the defense chief," Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende told reporters in The Hague.

Did Drudge have anything to do with this? Probably not--it was Prince Harry he was trying to get killed. Yet another brave young person from one of our NATO allies falls in battle, and not one chickenhawk has the decency to stop advocating for war and sign up to go fight. Do they even notice how ridiculous they look these days? Sitting on their fat little asses while others do the job they tell us HAS to be done but by anyone BUT them?

No mercy for the fucking chickenhawks, ever.

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