Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday Morning Quick Hits

Yucca Mountain moves forward The bu$h administration officially applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for a permit to commence with the long-planned and much-resisted Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository on Tuesday. The state of Nevada vows to file hundreds of specific challenges to the proposed design of the facility, arguing that the Energy Department has not proved it will protect public health, safety, and the environment from radiation that can be dangerous for eons. Governor Jim Gibbons repeated his promise to fight the waste dump. "As long as I am governor, the state will continue to do everything it can to stop Yucca Mountain from becoming reality," he said in a statement.

The wrong officers are being cashiered Colonel Morris Davis is continuing to speak out about the gulag at Guantanamo, even though his retirement will not be effective until 01 November and he fears further retribution and career sanctions between now and then. The most recent insult to his character came in a letter that said he had "not acted honorably" and was being denied a medal for his time spent on the commissions. I am sad to see him retire and hope that the Obama administration finds a role for him when it starts cleaning up the mess the little idiot has made.

Army sexual assaults top all other branches combined
The Army Chief of Staff issued an army-wide message on Tuesday, stating that sexual assaults “continue to occur at an unacceptable rate” and that in 2007, sexual assaults in the Army “accounted for more assaults than the Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force combined.” Over half of the assaults occurred on post, between Friday and Sunday, and unsurprisingly, alcohol consumed by both perpetrators and victims, was a "significant factor" in a majority of the cases. The average victim was under 24, and most perpetrators attack a colleague of the same age and rank.

He really is Mc$ame as bu$h
, and our friends at the DNC put together a video montage that proves it. See for yourself after the jump.

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