Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Matt Blunt throws the chess board into the air...

Missouri's embattled juvenile-offender of a governor has announced that he will not seek reelection in November.

It also raises a lot of questions...

What brought this on? There have been allegations of abuse of power - there is the Eckersly scandal. There were allegations that the Abramoff tentacles reached all the way to Missouri and throwing the taint of corruption on one of Baby Guv's campaigns. There is the six-Suburban caravan that schleps his feckless ass from Springfield to Jeff City every business day because his wife "doesn't like the mansion." There was the incident where one of his goons shoved Kit Wagar and caused a three-reporter pile up on veterans day.

There is the fact that Missouri as a whole is pissed off at him for myriad of reasons.

He said that he has accomplished everything he set out to do -

Sure, if he was setting out to destroy the social safety net and finish wrecking the economy, he has been a stellar success.

I'm sure the fact that he has been sucking Jay Nixon's draft since inauguration day has nothing to do with his decision to not lose in a landslide...

Or maybe he is about to be indicted...

And by golly, lets score one for the blogosphere! We have been after him for four years, and we got him. This very blog came to be because of a hissy-fit I threw in his direction. I opened my newspaper one morning in the spring of 2005 and read yet another offense against decency at the whim of the little weasel, and I started to rant. My husband, saint that he is, looked at me and said "Why are you telling me this again? I already agree with you." I looked him dead in the eye and said "you're absolutely right," and I walked into the office, went to blogger.com and two hours later, Blue Girl, Red State went live.

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