Friday, June 8, 2007

Pace is Out at Joint Chiefs

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced today that he would not seek to have General Peter Pace to remain on as Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff after his current term expires in September.

"I concluded that because Gen. Pace has served as chairman and vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the last six years, the focus of his confirmation process would have been on the past rather than the future," Gates said. "There was the very real prospect the process would be quite contentious," he said. "A divisive ordeal at this point is not in the interest of the country."

I’m sure that he would have a hard time being reconfirmed. First he stuck his foot in his mouth about gays in the military, then he wrote that love-letter for Libby.

Goodbye, and might I add, good riddance. Would that Congress had the power to reduce your damned rank and retire you a Lt. Colonel.

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