Sunday, July 15, 2007

You know how I am always saying I love the smell of roast wingnut in the morning?

Well! Feast on Jim Webb putting Lindsey “I bought five rugs for five dollars” Graham in his place.

Graham kept repeating that he has been to Iraq seven times (on taxpayer-funded junkets that serve no purpose and only accomplish disrupting operations to accommodate the potentates) and Webb whose son served as a combat Marine in Iraq – did not mention the fact of his son's service.

He didn't have to. We all knew he was the one with moral authority without him having to turn over that card.

Webb took the high road and everyone watching knows it. You go and see the dog-and-pony shows.” Webb scolded Graham, “Don’t put political words into [the soldier’s] mouth.”

Graham came off looking like nothing so much as a petulant, obstreperous, delusional, kool-aid swilling jackass. He kept pounding his finger on the desk and saying “let them win.”

Which is total horseshit. The only way for an occupying invader to *win* is to commit random slaughter and war crimes. We know this. Is Lindsey Graham advocating that U.S. G.I.'s commit war crimes?

And by the way Lindsey, just let me air a grievance, and I say this as someone with long and strong Air Force association - I bleed Strata Blue - I just can’t equate your time as a JAG lawyer in the Air Force during peace time with Senator Webb leading a Marine rifle company in Viet Nam; Senator Webb received multiple service commendations, not the least of which was the distinguished Navy Cross and two Purple Hearts.

They don't give those out for paper cuts, or hangovers caused by too much German beer, unfortunately for Lindsey.

I’ve been to Rhein Mein – it was decidedly not a hardship tour. In fact, it was a very popular billet back then.

Oh, hell – just watch Webb eviscerate the little weasel:

SIRIUS Satellite Radio can't be...well...SERIOUS

Jeez...I go off-line for a couple of hours to do some system maintenance and clean up the hard drive, and when I logged back on and checked in at WTWC, I learned something that made me glad I have been stalling on getting equipped for Satellite Radio, at least for the place in the country, up on the Iowa line, a good 125 miles from any city with an NPR affiliate.

Now that I learn about this bullshit, I'll keep streaming my radio up there and screw the satellite companies. Just reconfirms my original belief that I own those fucking airwaves to begin with, and no mother fucker is going to get me to pay for using them.

From Corpus Juris at WTWC:
Sunday, July 15, 2007


Rick Perlstein of the Campaign for America's Future was recently a guest on a SIRIUS Satellite Radio show. In the process he learned something very disturbing. SIRIUS' liberal channel is called "SIRIUS Left" but it's conservative channel is called "SIRIUS Patriot." They promote SIRIUS PATRIOT as

Coast-to-coast conservative -- SIRIUS Patriot celebrates the red, white and blue with patriotic conservatives who aren’t afraid to tell you what they think.
Liberal talk radio at SIRIUS. Liberal radio with entertaining hosts only on SIRIUS.
They might as well have said that only manly men are tough enough to listen to SIRIUS PATRIOT, but SIRIUS LEFT is carefully designed for latte drinking sissies.

As someone who blogs with the full throated progressive patriots here at Watching Those We Chose, the idea that SIRIUS Satellite Radio doesn't think we love our country every bit as much as any conservative is a crock.

Perlstein reports
SIRIUS's media relations representative for talk radio is Hillary Schupf. Her email is Her phone number is 212-901-6739. Let's start with her. . . . This cannot be allowed to stand.
Let her know just how you feel. An email or a phone call will do. Share this with your friends. They need to let her know their feelings as well. Be polite, but make Monday morning memorable for Ms Schupf. Make it the morning she approaches management with a new idea.

Pass this on. Tell Rick Perlstein thanks.

So, we can leave now?

This is the Decider. He isn't a very good Decider, but he is the Decider none the less.

One of the things he decided to do was really, really stupid.

But he's the Decider and he Decided and it was Done. :

Soon after that was done, a lot of people looked around and said "Oh, Shit" because they started to realize that what the Decider had decided to do was really dumb; and soon, they were all asking the same question:

And the Decider kept deciding, and insisting that too-cute-by-half sound bites like "when they stand up, we'll stand down" were policy and strategy rolled into one three second clip.

(I told you that he is a really, really stupid Decider.)

But he did say that we would leave when the Iraqis could secure their country, and apparently that is a fait accompli, because the Decider; Baghdad Edition decided that they are ready and we can go.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Saturday that the Iraqi army and police are capable of keeping security in the country when American troops leave "any time they want," though he acknowledged the forces need further weapons and training.

Well, you heard the Desert Decider.

We have been excused from the table.

So make with the bugging out already.

Whadya say?