By @BGinKC

Some damn
fool challenged Emanuel Cleaver and lost by an embarrassing 60+ points, and on
the Republican side, Jacob Turk just won’t stay throwed. I can tell you right
now how that race will turn out… Turk 38 +/- 4
Cleaver 62 +/- 4. On the bright
side, after this loss, Turk will have enough of ‘em under his belt to turn pro.
Jason Kander
and Chris Koster were a fordrawn conclusion, as was Carnahan. Everyone knew they were going to
be the winners of their primary races for Senator, Governor, and Lt. Governor, respectively.
The first two are statewide officeholders already, and the third is a Carnahan. Kander is an Afghanistan combat vet,
and that matters outstate. He’s been running against Roy Blunt, not his
primary opponents, all along. But the three that made my heart sing were the Democratic
primary races for Secretary of State, Treasurer and Attorney General. All of those races were won
by friends of mine. Judy Baker will make a great Treasurer, and Teresa Hensley,
who is already a prosecutor of one of our ex-urban counties, will be one damn
fine Attorney General. But Robin Smith, a woman of color, will protect voting rights in this state like a lioness protects her cubs.
Oh, but my
children! The people I wanted to win didn’t just emerge victorious – every
single Sinquefield sycophant who had an opponent lost, and lost big. You know
what keeps me making $25 donations through Act Blue? The fact that he throws
away over ten million bucks – to no effect – every cycle, and my puny donations
usually go to winners.
Catherine Hanaway took more
than $4.5 million from Sinquefield and his various political action committees
and ended up finishing fourth in a four-way gubernatorial primary.
Kurt Schaefer got $3.5
million from Sinquefield and was defeated by University of Missouri law
professor Josh Hawley by nearly 30 points in the attorney general primary.
Bev Randles got $2.5
million of Sinquefield donations but still lost to Mike Parson in the
lieutenant governor primary.
Will Kraus, who only
received $120,000 from Sinquefield, was soundly defeated by Jay Ashcroft in the
race for secretary of state.
The only statewide
candidate to receive significant support from Sinquefield who will be on the
ballot this fall will be Eric Schmitt, who was unopposed in the Republican
primary for state treasurer
You spend
eleven million bucks, you kinda want to get more names on the ballot in
November than one guy, who ran uncontested, and who is probably going to lose
because even though he didn’t have an opponent, a lot of people didn’t bother filling
in the oval by his name.
Missouri has
no limits on campaign contributions, per Rex Sinquefield’s request. We used to
have the toughest campaign contribution laws in the nation, but Rex didn’t like
them, he wanted to write checks with lots of zeros, not just two, so the
Republican state legislature happily, gleefully even, with dollar-signs in
their eyes, skipped into their respective chambers and put a pricetag on
this offended the folks of Missouri who work for a living, because Sinquefield
money seems to be the kiss of death for statewide candidates. They do not do
well. He keeps writing checks, and his candidates keep losing. This bothers me
not one little bit.
four blocks away in Kansas, the Earth shook under the feet of the Worst.
Governor. Ever. as moderate challengers to the ultra-conservative Brownback
Brigade that allowed him to drive Kansas into the ground lost to primary
challengers right and left; and the worst congresscritter this side of Louie
Gohmert, Tim Huelskamp, lost
huge, by more than 10 points, to
political neophyte Roger Marshall, who will probably win because he is a
Republican and they don’t call it the Big, Red One for nuthin.’ It sprawls over
63 counties and cows outnumber people exponentially. He won’t even face a
Democrat. An Independent and a Libertarian have filed, but if there is a Democrat
in Liberal, KS they are gassing up on their way to Colorado.
No matter
what, the people have spoken, and they don’t like extremism or its
practitioners. If Kansas in August is indicative of the way America is going to
go in November, we’re not in as much trouble as some people are invested in
making you believe we are.
So when H wins and appoints Cleaver HHS Sec, does Turk have the name recognition to win the 5th? Shudder...
Nope. But Al Brooks does. And I can think of a whole bunch of other Democrats.But not a single republican. This is KC, not St. Louis, we don't have any crazy people here.
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