Thursday, May 15, 2008

Vandalism and Witness Intimidation in Minnesota

The official portraits of three former Minnesota governors were defaced by unknown vandals:

The official state portrait of former Gov. Ventura and those of former Govs. Elmer L. Andersen and Harold LeVander were removed Wednesday from the State Capitol after officials found they had been defaced with felt markers.

Thin red marks were found on Ventura's white shirt and across Andersen's mouth, and a black mark was discovered above LeVander's lips.

White-gloved curators with the Minnesota Historical Society, which oversees art in the Capitol, took down the three paintings for repairs.

Unless someone saw who drew on the paintings and reports that information, it's unlikely the culprit or culprits will be identified, said Bill Keyes, director of the state's historic sites and museums.

All three paintings hang in the Capitol's ground-floor corridor, which, unlike the upper floors, doesn't have security cameras.

Suspects? Keyes figures that it was probably schoolkids who have jammed the Capitol on field trips this week.

More disturbingly was the plea in the comment section of this story--a grandmother alleges witness intimidation in the repeated tipping of a porta-potty near her residence:

re : "Unless someone saw who drew on the paintings and reports that information, it's unlikely the culprit or culprits will be identified"

Even if they were seen they might not be identified. The other day my visiting granddaughters saw the kid who has been tipping over the porta-potty near our house. I asked what he looked like and both of them were mum on the description. I suspect he may have threatened them if they told.
posted by RipAnderson

It is not known if "RipAnderson" has contacted state or Federal authorities to complain about witness intimidation, nor is it known exactly where the tipped porta-potty is being taken for cleaning and repair.

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