Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging - outside in the courtyard edition

The courtyard and the birdbath are a peaceful little haven
behind our building, tucked away and secluded and quiet -
right in the heart of midtown, in a major midwestern city,
on an arterial street - but you would never know it out here.
Zoe and Charlie are enjoying the mild afternoon. Buddy
Impeachment went up the trumpet vine and onto the roof of the garage.
He was not in a cooperative mood today.
I was lucky to get them outside and not need stitches, so I didn't persist.
I now know first-hand what is meant by "herding cats."

No kitties in this picture. I powered down just in time last night.
This tree is visible from the same window I snapped the storm
from. Within minutes of powering down, we heard a
gawd-awful cracking sound. It was this tree going over in the wind.
I live in a pre-WW II masonry behemoth -
I didn't even know the wind was blowing.
Although I guess I would have figured it out when the lights went out...

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