Saturday, May 19, 2007

This is what I've been up to the last couple of days...

If you look to the right at the Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus blogroll, there is a new blog at the very top.

The Caucus
has grown and gotten a little attention, the upcoming "we" as 'the redhead took a notion and charged ahead, then told Edger after the fact what she was up to and he had to help'-----

*We* decided that it was time to bring to fruition the idea that we had been kicking around since the very beginning: A sort of hub in Midtown, Blogsylvania where all of us caucus members could cross-post our anti-war content, and it's a veritable Vegas over there...Blogwhoring is not just encouraged, it is officially sanctioned.

Anyway - it is impossible to click every link every day - even for me - and I turned pro a couple of weeks ago.

Now there is one place to go to get the latest anti-war posts by the bloggers that make up the caucus. Visit us over there regularly, won't you?

Regular blogging will resume shortly...Like, right after midnight...

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