Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Final Phoebe Catblogging

Phoebe, Mouser Extraordinaire
January 2000 - March 2007

When I went to the kitchen this morning to make coffee and feed the cats, something didn't quite seem right. All three cats appear magically when the coffee-grinder starts, and I quickly realized I was missing a kitty. I fed Buddy and Charlie and went to see if my closet-dwelling cat had gotten shut in one of them overnight.

Sadly, no. She was on the futon in the spare room, and looked like she was sleeping. She had passed away in her sleep.

She was a great companion and we will always be grateful for the time we had her, and the memories of gifts of dead mice - and even squirrels - and the tussle with the possum - will live on forever in our family lore.


Mr. 618 said...

Our deepest sympathies...

In some ways, losing a cat is worse than losing a parent.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I cannot believe it. I am so sad, and so sorry to hear this. Please accept my synpathies for the loss of your beloved Phoebe.

Anonymous said...

I am so sad to hear this news. My last one that died happened when she heard me wake up in the morning. I found her on the couch downstairs, stretching out and still warm, while obviously dead.

Please accept my condolences. Take care of Charlie and Buddy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your cat. The fear and worry of that happening was what kept me from being a pet owner. I went with my sister when she had to put her dog down. It broke me up to see her pain.

exMI said...

Sorry to hear about your loss. It is the only downside to having pets.

Anonymous said...

Phoebe -- what a beautiful cat. I enjoyed hearing about her. Thanks for sharing. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

BG, please know you have my sympathies. I'll like a candle for the dear Phoebe today.