Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bitches Get Stuff Done

Here's delusion for you, in a nutshell:

[Ralph] NADER: Let me put it in context, to make it a little more palatable to people who have closed minds. 24% of the American people are satisfied with the state of the country, according to Gallup. That’s about the lowest ranking ever. 61% think both major parties are failing. And according to Frank Luntz’s poll, the Republican, 80% will consider voting for an independent this year. Now you take that framework, of people feeling locked out, shut out, marginalized, disrespected and you go from Iraq to Palestine to Israel. From Enron to Wall Street. From Katrina to the bungling of the Bush administration to the complicity of the Democrats in not stopping him on the war, stopping him on the tax cuts, getting a decent energy bill through and you have to ask yourself, as a citizen, should we elaborate the issues that the two are not talking about? And the…all the candidates, McCain, Obama and Clinton, are against single-payer health insurance. Full Medicare for all. I’m for it. As well as millions of Americans and 59% of physicians in a forthcoming poll this April. People don’t like Pentagon waste, the bloated military budget, all of the reports in the press and the GAO reports. A wasteful defense is a weak defense. It takes away taxpayer money that can go to the necessities of the American people. That’s off the table, to Obama and Clinton and McCain. The issue of labor law reform: repealing the notorious Taft-Hartley act, that keeps workers who are now more defenseless than ever against corporate globalization from organizing to defend their interests. Cracking down on corporate crime. The media—the mainstream media—repeatedly indicated how trillions of dollars have been drained and fleeced and looted from millions of workers and investors who don’t have many rights these days.

That's a wonderful laundry list of things that are wrong. And Ralph Nader thinks he is someone who can do something about those problems?

Please. Ralph Nader has absolutely no chance to do anything this year except siphon off some critical votes that a Democrat might need in a few key states. Granted, 90% of the people who will vote for Nader just want to throw their vote away because they're pissy about something and won't get behind a candidate because said candidate is not 100% perfectly in line with the single issue they are obsessed with. You're never going to find someone who's perfectly in line with the way you think and who is going to do exactly what you want them to do. Be an adult--and quit being a spoiled fucking child--and get used to being mildly disappointed about serious subjects.

You want to do ANYTHING about the issues Nader lists above? See what voting for McCain gets you.

Nader has no legacy now. He's a tired act. And I guarantee you--more Republicans give to his campaign than any other constituency because he takes votes from Democrats. Plain and simple.

Tina Fey has the best line of the year--bitches get stuff done.

Weekend Roundup

[Again with the stealing of an entire post from WTWC...]

I'm posting the roundup early today, with the caveat that Pale Rider might update the post, and is indeed encouraged to do so if something else comes up on our collective radar. But mostly, I wanted to get the post up in time to remind you to Make sure to tune in to 60 Minutes tonight. They are airing the long awaited piece on the trial of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. There will certainly be a quiz, and homework will likely be assigned...

This made my skin crawl...and not just because I hate snakes on a visceral level. This is a potential ecosystem nightmare. Because of climate change, large constrictor snakes have established self-sustaining colonies in the Florida everglades. Scientists predict that the creatures could migrate as far north as Missouri as climate changes makes the areas habitable. The snakes would be considered an invasive species that could undermine entire ecosystems. Ecosystems are delicate things and any unbalance can lead to devastating consequences. The largest snakes native to North America are puny in comparison, growing to a maximum length of about nine feet, and subsisting on a diet of mostly rodents. The large constrictors can grow as long 20 feet in length, have no natural predators on this continent, and eat deer, wild hogs, even alligators. Besides all that, nothing good has EVER come from an ecosystem collapse or the introduction of an invasive species. Adding an unchecked top predator to any ecosystem would most likely signal the advent of an unmitigated ecological disaster.

Thugs. Islamist militants in Pakistan have warned incoming parliamentarians of increased brutality and violence if the new government persists with Musharref's anti-terrorist activities in the tribal areas. To underscore the threat, militants on Sunday attacked a security post, killing a policeman and two paramilitary service members and wounding six others.

The return of sectarian violence? Let's hope we aren't returning to the bad old days of 2005 and 2006, when every day we heard a horror story of entire wedding parties and funeral processions attacked and murdered for the unforgivable sin of being a follower of the wrong sect of Islam. Those dark days of sectarian murder and mayhem was where my mind went immediately when I heard the news of the suicide bomber that struck pilgrims on the way to a Shiite shrine in Karbala. Forty were killed and sixty were injured, and the approximately 12' x 65' tent where they had stopped to rest and eat was completely destroyed by the bomber, who turned himself into a human claymore with an explosives belt packed with ball bearings and metal shards.

Energy is easy to generate, but not so easy to store. Batteries haven't come that far, really, and carry their own environmental baggage. I have been called a wet blanket for bringing up the challenge of storage when renewables are the topic because it isn't sexy and the science is dull. This hasn't really shut me up, of course, since I am right. The reality is we have to solve the storage problem before we advance much beyond where we are right now. Fossil fuels store their energy in chemical bonds, and when those bonds are broken, most frequently by combustion, energy is released, no batteries required. That convenience factor is hard to overcome.

Germany continues to bear left. Local elections in Hamburg confirmed the shift to the left that has occurred all across Germany when the party that emerged from the old East German communists secured legislative representation in elections on Sunday. Even though it is a tiny part of the political landscape, Hamburg has taken on the mantle of a bellwether in the wake of state elections in January that signaled the leftward shift by Germans who are tired of belt tightening and economic restructuring.

Perennial political pedant Ralph Nader announced on "Press the Meat" this morning that he was launching yet another spoiler campaign. I'm sure he'll just garner tons of support, what with the way he saved us from the horrors of a Gore administration in 2000. Ralph...please...Go. The. Fuck. Away. Thank you.

Bush has gone past fearmongering and threatening inuendo to schoolyard taunts. Now he is flapping his wings and clucking that on the intelligence bill and telecom immunity, Democrats are siding with trial lawyers. To which I want to add an observation...the trial lawyers seem to be the only ones who are sticking up for American citizens and defending our civil liberties on Constitutional grounds in the judicial and political arenas, so...Good on 'em! (Damn. That's three times in a week that I've stuck up for lawyers...What's happening to me?)

Digby sure can cut through the crap and point out the forest other people can't see for all the damned trees. I am certainly glad she's on our side.

Jane at FireDogLake thinks McCain and Lieberman are two Wild and Crazy Guys out on the shag circuit like in one of those manly "buddy movies." My question (and I was kind of proud of it) is which one is Butch and which one is Scumdance?

And in Cuba, the National Assembly has sent the island reeling with the news that they have, in a stunning upset, settled on Fidel's kid brother Raul as the next president. [/snark]

And that's the weekend. What new developments will the coming week bring? I tingle at the prospects... And hey! One thing is for sure - no matter what blows our hair back in the week ahead, you can read about it, and a whole bunch of other stuff, too, right here!

Now, I am going to cook. Which means that there is about a 50% chance that later tonight there will be kitchenblogging...


Fearmongering: get some.

Kristol: ‘I Recommend The Politics Of Fear’
This morning on Fox News Sunday, New York Times columnist Bill Kristol recommended that Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) employ the “politics of fear” to attack Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL):

KRISTOL: [Obama’s] riding a wave of euphoria. She [Clinton] needs to puncture it. The way you puncture euphoria is reality, or to be more blunt, fear. I recommend to Senator Clinton the politics of fear.

Kristol explained that his fear-mongering political strategy would focus on Iran. He recommended that Clinton say the following about Obama: “He wants to negotiate on January 21st with Ahmadinejad. Here’s what Ahmadinejad has said about blowing up Israel.”

I don't think we need any more fearmongering. Fear is not exactly a great emotion to stir up in voters. The definition of leadership is to have someone who alleviates fear and puts people in the right frame of mind to face adversity. We haven't had that in a good long while. I guess if you're a pampered elitist who knows nothing bad is going to happen, your best "political" advice is to tell someone to use "fear" to motivate, stir, or agitate the larger electorate in this country.

The problem is, fear leads to revolutions. Fear leads to wanton killings and riotings. Fear leads to people suspecting their neighbors--hence, you have that whole secret police thing working for you without so much as a warrant because there's no shortage of busybodies who will turn in their neighbors.

Fear? Nah, don't need any, thanks.

This is why I miss Tina Fey at the anchor desk

Me too! Call me a bitch and I will say "thank you!"