Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day Kitchenblogging

One pound of salmon fillets w/
one lemon squeezed over the fillets and
sprinkled with dill.

Dot with butter and broil for 10-15 minutes,
until fish is flakey.

One pound brussels sprouts, and I presume you know how to steam a veggie...

White Wine and Dill Sauce

2 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon flour
3/4 C. White Wine
1 Tablespoon Butter
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1 Tablespoon heavy whipping cream
1 teaspoon dried dill
salt to taste

Let's eat!

The Replacements

I'll see your little bet and raise you a little Old Grey Whistle Test...

Thursday Night Music Club - Valentines Day Edition

John Prine and Iris DeMent - In Spite of Ourselves

I'll be back in a couple of hours with kitchen blogging - no, he is never gonna let me go - among other reasons, I can cook.


The House just told George Bush to fuck off and die, and his little dog, too.

And whadya know? A crack appeared in the Bush facade!

Here is what happened this morning...after the spineless assholes in the Senate voted to roll over for telecom immunity and campaign contributions a couple of days ago, the House decided this morning that they would just let the current bill expire, and go on and leave town for a one-week recess.

In the wake of the Senate capitulation to perfidy and fascism, the House has been squabbling about how to proceed. The Republican boot-lickers - surprise, surprise - want the House to roll over like the Senate sycophants and give the telecoms immunity for listening in on your conversations and reading your email - but there seems to be a spine or two present in the lower chamber.

Yellow feathers are filling the air, and rivers of piss are running on the Republican side of things right now. The repugnant ones are indignantly setting up quite a chickenhawk-squawk, accusing Democrats of severely hampering intelligence operations and putting the country at risk! Terrorists will kill all 300 million of us by sundown Saturday if they don't capitulate the rest of the Fourth Amendment right now! (Boehner, change your Depends and man up, you sniveling chickenshit.)

Well, the House has aWol's attention - for the first time, a crack is appearing in the facade of feclkessness.

He has delayed his trip to Africa this weekend, saying he will stay in Washington to get the bill signed. "If we have to delay, we'll delay, " he said. "The House should not leave Washington without passing the Senate bill," he whined, pleadingly adding that insistence on Constitutional principles on behalf of the Democrats would "put the American people at risk."

I disagree - I happen to think that it is an affront that anyone would even suggest that Constitutional abrogation and domestic spying should be overlooked and the companies that played ball and spied on us should receive immunity from facing the consequences of their actions. All the little idiot has to do is give up on the insistence that telecoms be excused for their illegal behavior, and he will have his bill to sign.

And by the way - the next time someone tries to peddle that tired old trope that Republicans value personal responsibility - I am going to bust up laughing, in my rudest guffaw, right in the face of whoever is so stupid.

UPDATE: Check out the comments on this post at the WaPo blog...there is zero support for the Republican fearmongering. People finally get it, and I thank a God I don't believe in, and a Constitution I do.

McCraven McCain: against torture before he was for it

The United States Senate voted 51-45 today to ban waterboarding (what the United States used to call Water Torture and execute people for) and other harsh interrogation torture techniques by the CIA . The law passed today would bring all interrogation practices by all agencies of the federal government in line with the Army Field Manual. It was passed by the House of Representatives in December. Bush promises a veto.

John McCain, who previously stood for American principles, has apparently abandoned his honor and voted for torture because that is what the bloodthirsty, amoral thugs that form the base of the Repugnant Party want, and he knows that he can't get elected without them.

How different Wednesday's vote is from the stand he took last November in a Republican debate.

Newsflash, Mad Jack - you can't get elected with them, either. Your particular brand of crazy is way past it's sell-by date.


I gotta get something off my chest. I am disgusted by the fact that we have come to the point as a society where we are even having this debate. It is abhorrent; it's sickening and disgusting. It's fucking insane that we have slid this far since we won the Cold War - less than twenty years ago! - by holding forth that we were Americans, and by virtue of that fact alone, we were simply above certain things. Gulags and torture among them. Now, we are infamous for them.

I am appalled that there are Americans among us who openly advocate for and debate the relative merits of the basic tenets of fascism. I remember a time when anyone advocating for the employment of torture (or domestic spying) would be ridiculed and driven from public life. The thought of a Supreme Court Justice absolving the practice was unthinkable.

What the fuck?

Obama steps to the fore

The dynamic of the presidential race shifted Wednesday, as Barack Obama assumed the mantle of Democratic frontrunner, and he and John McCain turned their fire on one another.

McCain accused Obama of "lacking specifics" in his speeches, and of being a (cue the sinister voice...) *liberal.*

Obama, speaking at a factory in Wisconsin, unleashed some scathing rhetoric toward his rivals, Democratic and Republican, blaming Washington for the economic woes that are currently gripping the nation. “We are not standing on the brink of recession due to forces beyond our control,” Mr. Obama said at the Janesville General Motors assembly plant. “The fallout from the housing crisis that’s cost jobs and wiped out savings was not an inevitable part of the business cycle, it was a failure of leadership and imagination in Washington.” Just yesterday General Motors reported that the company had posted the largest loss on record for an American automotive company.

And of course, being at an automotive assembly plant, he took the obligatory shot at NAFTA. “You know, in the years after her husband signed Nafta, Senator Clinton would go around talking about how great it was and how many benefits it would bring,” Mr. Obama said. “Now that she’s running for president, she says we need a time-out on trade. No one knows when this time-out will end. Maybe after the election.”

But he also took a frontrunners position in proposing solutions to our nations infrastructure problems and our need to move away from fossil fuel consumption.
In his speech in Janesville, Mr. Obama proposed creating a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to invest $60 billion over 10 years and create nearly 2 million new jobs in the construction field. He said the program would be paid for by ending the Iraq war. He also renewed his call to create an energy plan to invest $150 billion over 10 years to establish a “green energy sector” to add up to 5 million jobs in the next two decades.

“It’s time to stop spending billions of dollars a week trying to put Iraq back together and start spending the money on putting America back together instead,” Mr. Obama said. He added, “We’ll also provide funding to help manufacturers convert to green technology and help workers learn the skills they need for these jobs.”

No doubt about it, the next president is going to face a crumbling infrastructure. The next president will also be charged with starting us down the path to recovery for our addiction to fossil fuels. The challenges ahead are daunting, and the solutions that will be effective will not be simple. They will, in fact, meet stiff resistance by entrenched interests and obstinate fools.

Fortunately, as a society, we are approaching critical mass, and the numbers of the sane and reasonable are growing while the dinosaurs are dwindling faster than the fuels derived from their dead predecessors.