Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Further thoughts on the "Betray-Us" ad

I first heard it from an active duty soldier, about an hour after he took the billet. But that is not the point. I think it was stupid, and I said so. But that isn't the point, either.

I am hearing Norm Coleman make hay from it, just as that wingnut congresswoman from Florida did yesterday.

That set me to wondering about something...

How offended were they when Senator Kerry was swift-boated? War hero and triple-amputee Max Cleland was smeared by the smarmy Saxby Chambliss by equating him with Osama bin Laden. How offended were the wingnuts then? They accept the rodent Chambliss as their equal.

Hell - how did they react to those of us who disagreed with them before the war? They called us unpatriotic, they called us traitors, they called us unamerican and told us to get out of the country even though we had served in greater numbers. (The right to free speech that so many on our side had served to uphold doesn't guarantee that everything said will be smart, or even true. It is up to the listener to make those judgements.)

But I digress...Anyone - and I do mean anyone - bleating about being offended now, by that ad, better be able to point to a full-throated denunciation of scurrilous attacks that went the other way. Sauce for the goose being sauce for the gander, and all that.

The Petraeus Promenade: Day II

10:40 a.m. The Senate is making it a tougher row to hoe, but they are still evading.

Well, Petraeus is. Crocker, I almost feel sorry for. Almost. But not quite.

Lets revisit the definitions of some of the terms they are using.

Local Accommodation means passing out guns and sanctioning thuggery. Period.

It means installing organized crime syndicates.

Six years ago today

Six years ago today, I woke to a phone call. I turned on the TV and I watched in horror. Most of us did.

If you had told me that day that six years later the perpetrator of the attack would be free, but we wouldn't -I would have called you daft. And today I would owe you an apology.

Six years, and though we know the identity of the largest mass murderer in our history, we can not apprehend him.

So why, exactly have they found it necessary to suspend Habeas Corpus and the Fourth Amendment, and infringe on a whole bunch of the others, in order to fight terrorism, when they can't bring in the most wanted and well known criminal on the planet? But they find it necessary to spy on the Quakers.

Can we get some freakin' accountability going here, please?

I've said it before but it bears repeating. Sometimes, I feel like I'm watching four year olds play government. Other times I feel like I am watching drunken monkeys play with loaded handguns.