Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I wonder what Buckley thinks of this?

I met Bill Buckley once. He was the guest of honor at the Mortar Board breakfast at Wichita State University in January of 1986. I had made the high Deans list the semester before so I had an automatic invite.

Buckley might be a Conservative but he isn’t insane and he has a penchant for protecting Civil Liberties. I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to talk to him and we had a nice discussion about the absurdity of America’s War on Drugs. I’m sure I walked away thinking I had been brilliant and he would never forget me. Such is the arrogance of youth…

Still…The man I had breakfast with 21 years ago must be deeply disturbed by this comment by Thomas Sowell in the pages of the magazine that he founded on bedrock conservative principles.

When I see the worsening degeneracy in our politicians, our media, our educators, and our intelligentsia, I can't help wondering if the day may yet come when the only thing that can save this country is a military coup.

Seriously – are the Conservatives so afraid of facing their demons and fixing what went wrong with their revolution, that they would sign on to a coup if it meant clinging to an illusion of power??? Seriously?!?!?

I so hope Buckley comments on this…

Just yank the wings – and the clusters – from this pricks epaulets

I refuse to acknowledge that this prick is a retired officer, because he is a fucking disgrace. I am embarrassed that this third-reich wanna-be, Robert “Buzz” Patterson, is an Air Force retiree. I am, in fact, humiliated by the association.

Patterson, you see, thinks if you question his president that you should be hung for treason if you don’t toe the Republican Party line on issues of the clusterfuck they have created.

This prick would have been a terrific Commissar in the Red Army – hell, he would have been the penultimate SS Officer it sounds like...Who cares that those cattle cars are transporting humans? The train is on time!

He is a rock-jawed killin’ machine, by gawd I’ll tell you whut.

What a dork.

I read his interview with fawning twit K-Lo at NRO and I quite literally felt like wretching

Kathryn Jean Lopez: Your upcoming book begins with a quote from Cicero about how a nation “cannot survive treason from within.” Surely you’re not calling Democrats traitors. Or are you?

“Buzz” Patterson: I am. They certainly are if their behavior during our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is held up to the light of the U.S. Constitution. Article III, Section 3 defines treason against the United States as “adhering to (our) enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, and John Murtha, amongst others, are guilty of exactly that. […}

It’s not just the Democrats though but many on the Left — its faculties and administrations on college campuses, big media, Hollywood, and left-wing organizations such as the Ford Foundation, Moveon.org, United for Peace and Justice, etc. What is particularly disturbing to me is that these Americans are doing it while their fellow citizens are fighting and dying in combat. The best ally that al Qaeda has these days is the Democrat Party leadership. It’s reprehensible.

Well, once the nausea passed, I let the criminally negligent accusations of the mendacious bastard slide off my back. Seriously – why in the hell would anyone listen to this turd? He was literally a lousy officer. We know this because he was forced out under “Up or Out” in spite of the profile of the position he served in. I’ve met some administrative officers. Trust me – this is the kind of jerk they can’t wait to get rid of and they all hope he moves to Tucson and annoys the customers and staff at the O-club at D-M – or Luke – where ever he goes after they kiss him off, they just hope it’s a couple of time-zones away from them. Believe me. He is most likely widely considered an embarrassment to the Air Force.

Five will get you ten that everyone in strata blue who has ever met him will attest to the level of dedication he has applied to his quest to become the perfect dickhead...I've never met him - but I can name a dozen just like him.

[Whew! That felt good! Guess I had some repressed hostility there...]

That said, I zeroed in on this little gem from his answer: adhering to (our) enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Perhaps he missed the revelation that the Bush administration is materially supporting Jundallah, an offshoot of al Qaeda. It was in all the papers…Oh wait…actually it wasn’t…it was another one of those stories that should have gotten traction but didn’t by the Bush-fluffing Corporate-Conservative Media (CCM)

Anyway, I guess the entire administration is guilty of treason, and by this particular piss-poor officers standards we can just say “Guilty! OFF with their Heads!”…

Well fuck. Let’s just skip the trial and bring on the gallows. Then, when it’s Robespierre’s turn to die…

I have some questions...

[UPDATE Below]

I am sitting over here, on the left side of a red state, furiously looking for answers to seemingly vital questions that no one is bothering to ask. This is irritating me to no end.

I don’t care about the sexual aspect of the DC Madam scandal.

I care about the National Security aspect.

Doesn’t anyone else see any parallels with the Profumo Affair? Except the American production features multiple Profumos! Deputy Secretary of State getting massages in his home from $300 escorts and "central american gals" is a big deal and reason for concern.

The war planner that authored the “Shock & Awe” strategy has been named. Multiple Pentagon officers and high level officials have been alluded to. ABC news reportedly has the phone records. It is the responsibility of the national press as a constitutionally protected check against government abuses to reveal this information.

This is absolutely a matter of National Security.

I have a couple of questions for the State Department and the Pentagon.

--What are you doing to ensure national security?

--What is the status of these individuals with regard to their respective clearances and access to secrets?

I am speaking as someone who knows a little something about security clearance protocol. If an Airman from Whiteman AFB gets busted with a hooker on Troost, he ain’t goin’ to complex anymore.

So why are these people, with the highest level access – who actually do the war planning!!! – still on their jobs given the nature of these allegations?

I guess I have a question for the mainstream media too…

Where the hell is the National Security beat? Why is this question not being asked by them?

UPDATE: Dana Milbank at the WaPo has an interesting gossip column take on the case. Yet still no one is asking the hard National Security questions.

[Cross-posted from Watching Those We Chose]

Wanted: One War Czar

On the one hand, the White House is furiously searching for a savior. Someone – anyone – who can lead them out of the wilderness of Iraq.

Obviously General Sheehan was right. They don’t know where the hell they are going. So the MBA president is doing what every failing executive does – adding a layer to the metric. Ask the CEO of AirTouch how that worked out.

At the same time they are casting wildly about, they are insisting that the Congress can’t have any say, other than “yes” votes for blank check war funding resolutions, of course.

I call bullshit.

We don’t need a War Czar, but I’ll toss an idea out there that I could get behind.

Commission a joint House-Senate committee to over see the war and put Jim Webb in charge of it. They don’t know where they are going? We will show them the way.